March 2003 summary

Leo D, Faith and Mouse discuss relationships, music and other topics online. P3 gets ready for Shakira's concert.

Zac writes an e-mail to Julie in an effort to restore communications. Chelsea and Faith chat online

Christian abducts Taylor and Avery. The Hansons, Mouse, Nyx, Sabre and Logan are alerted as to their disappearence.

A girl named Chelsea from an alternate dimension accidently ends up in this one and inadvertantly leaves behind a small nest of insect people. Robin and Barery go to Oklahoma. AJ and Noah meet at a music shop, spend time together and then discover they're both aliens and their fathers know each other.

Christian gets some assistance in taking Avery and Taylor to Toronto. Various magic people use their skills to locate Taylor and Avery, including Faith after Phoebe has a premonition. Later, Logan, Sabre, Faith and Amanda go patrolling. Noah and AJ go on a sort of date. Nathan arrives at the Xavier Institute to train Chelsea. Noah's ex-girfriend Bella calls him up after talking to her friend Alli, while he's having a night alone with AJ.

Christian, Taylor and Avery arrive in Toronto and The Spider gives Avery some training in an effort to have her get the collar off. Julie and Rachel chat online mainly about Julie's pregnancy and Zac. Meanwhile, Isaac and Zac discuss Taylor and Avery's disappearence. Nyx and Dry chat online about mutants, music, vampires and other topics. Noah and AJ suffer hangovers the morning after and have to do a fast clean up.

Leroy is asked to foster Tate. Oliver meets his Uncle Josh at his farm and Tate meets Buzza. Mouse is having problems dealing with Taylor's disappearence. Meanwhile, The Spider tells Taylor that Mouse's parents used to work for him shortly before Avery removes the collar. Dru and Sabre chat online primarily about recreation.

Rogue, Dawn, Sabre, Faith and Ash G chat online about family, fuzzles, the Spider and Avery's and Taylor's abduction. Willow locates them. Faith gets her Jackel back. Rogue gets her fuzzle and names her Liberty. Tanya finds the people responsible for the biological weapon created against the mutants. Walker and Giles chat online about aliens, the supernatural, families, etc. Isabel and Jessica have nightmares in Dreamland.

Mouse goes after Taylor and Avery alone, then is joined by her friends when she goes to hunt down the Spider and his people. They capture Owen. Tanya arrives only to see the Spider die at the hand of the fire that is sweeping through the base. Zac and Zoe both have nightmares. Afterwards, the rescuers discussed what they have done and what they're going to do with their prisoners.

Faith and Kirk meet. The Braddocks have the Morris's over for dinner. Isaac cooks breakfast the return of Avery and Taylor. Taylor, however, is really Christian impersonating him. Mouse arrives to visit Taylor and ends up making out for a while - which Diana senses and resorts to giving them a sex talk. The Hanson stalkers spy on the Hansons.

Isis uses her telepathy on Isaac to make him think he's Myra and marry her. Avery, Faith and Jessica reflect. Owen's powers are removed. Cain arrives in New York.

Tanya, Leroy, Oliver and Tate are given an assignment - to pose as a family and infiltrate some anti-YIRAAS communities. Julie comforts Isabel. Cain spies on the Xavier Insitute.

Zac and Ducky chat online mainly about people dating and children. Nyx, Sabre and Drusilla kick Angel's ass.

Interaction at Mutant High. The Hansons celebrate Taylor's birthday.

Ducky agrees to go out with Warren/Archangel. Cain attacks the people at Mutant High, before he is finally captured, Rogue absorbs him. Dru and Sabre go to Praque cause havock at the opera, create Rosemary and then run off when they realise there's another slayer. Barry and Robin are there when Kirk and Christian meet. Ducky and Warren go on a date.

Oliver and Dawn chat online about powers, friends and family. Oliver then rings home for the first time since running away.

Oliver and Tate got to a new school in Connecitcut and meet Hunter. The Amish Nico and Becky arrive at Mutant High. Faith, Ducky, Mouse and Miette chat online about recent events, powers, the Hansons and other topics. Cain threatens to kill people desipte being chained up.

The Eye has Taylor. Gwen arrives at Mutant High. Nyx, Logan, Mordred, Vortigern, Gwen, Bobby, Kitty, Theresa and Dawn go dancing. Cain taunts or is taunted by (depending on your point of view) Nyx and Dawn.

Ashley Olsen feels sick. Gwen and Bobby virtually spend the day together. Nyx and Logan finally get together.

The Eye has Taylor interpret the inscription from the thunderbox.

Lorne comes to Tulsa and arrives at P3 during a performance by Shakira. Becky talks to Rogue, Nico and Nathan at the mansion, and prays for help for Rogue who is having problems dealing with Cain in her head. Phoebe and Faith sing for Lorne. Cain fights against breaking.

Oliver, Tate and Buzz come to visit everyone at Mutant High, where Tate's power has some strange and otherwise dramatic results. The Halliwells, Chrissy and Madison prepare P3 for Ash G & Mindy's engagement party. Ash G arranges for Hanson to play at the party. Oliver and John, both having fire powers, meet. At last the party begins. Ash G asks Ike to be his best man. Mindy makes a long distance call to Miette to ask her to be her Maid of Honour. Lots of dancing and chatting about all sorts of stuff. Admiral Twin and Hanson both perform, then there's karaoke.

Faith and Zac meet and shamelessly flirt from the first second and arrange to have their own little "after party" that carries on until the 23rd.

Taylor tries to escape, and then when the Eye catches him, contemplates suicide before agreeing to give him a translation. Gwen, Fred, Isaac and Jake chat online about hell, dating, who they are and tell jokes. The Amish go to Church and take some of their new found friends from the shcool as well.

Zac tells Julie the truth about being an alien, and they make arrangements for Zac to be in the baby's life. Taryn teleports into the Hanson house to steal some Taylor stuff, when Christian catches her and they have sex. Then Mouse finds out, and, still thinking Christian is Taylor, they break up and she runs to Faith. Mouse and Faith go shopping, they meet up with Shakira and Mouse adds leather to her wardrobe. Julie goes over to the Evan's house when it clicks what Zac told her and they help her calm down. Taryn brags to Zada about sleeping with 'Taylor'. Mouse and Faith go to P3, and have a great time, with a breif pause for Faith to beat up Taryn.

The Olsen twins decide to go to New York with Mikey and Leo to work on a movie. Kirk talks to Christian about Taylor and tells him he needs to get his life sorted out. Julie and Rachel chat online about aliens, mutants and animorphs, and Julie being pregnant to Zac. Gwen tells Gunn about being with Bobby.

Isaac and Clark chat online about the pain of long distance relationships, what's going on at Smallville High and Xaviers, and they arrange for Clark to take Isaac to Miette's for the weekend. The Olsen Twins, Mikey and Leo go to New York, and hire Faith as a bodyguard. Mikey helps Gwen to control her power. Cain tricks Nyx into lossening his bonds and manages to escape.

AJ sits in on Noah's band (Room69) practice. Christian and Taryn sleep together again. Hunter finds out that Tate and Oliver are aliens too. Room69, AJ, Alyssa, Bella and Alli have a party during which AJ beats up Bella.

Clark flies Isaac to England to visit Miette for the weekend and stays for lunch. Isaac and Miette spend the afternoon together. Zac and Julie chat online about sex and their baby.

Rogue and Gambit meet in the park on account of them both having pet fuzzles. Isaac and Miette spend Saturday together out and about. Faith, Mouse and Zac chat online about 'Taylor' cheating, sex, and dirty talk between Faith and Zac which disgusts Mouse, and results in Zac driving over to Faith's after a brief confrontation with Diana.

Isaac spends Sunday morning with Miette, and then retruns home. Zac and Mouse attempt to make 'Taylor' jealous by pretending to be dating. Faith talks to her friends about her activities with Zac. Mouse recruits the local wildlife to help her in her cause of revenge against Taylor.

Isaac figures out that the person he thinks is Taylor is really Christian. Christian tries to kill him, and the echo of Taylor overwhelms him. Isaac calls Tanya to rectify the situation, and when she removes the echo and repairs the damage, she also blocks Christian's telekinesis for the next six months on account of his crimes. Diana calls Mouse to tell her. Everyone thinks Taylor is dead.

February Summary
April Summary