December 2007 summary

Unfinished thread

1: discusses Izzie with Callie.

2: Tru talks to Harrison.

3: Angel, Sam and Dean wake up in chains.

4: Faith and Gunn search for Angel, Sam and Dean to no avail. Gambit and Rogue talk about the war brewing between Johnny's sons over their inheritance.

5: Faith finds and rescues Angel, Sam and Dean.

6: Chantelle updates her journal.

7: Meredith overreacts to the state of Cristina's neck.

8: Faith and Sam text each other in the car.

9: Zac, Isaac, Friday, Julie, Annika, Binar, Corinne, Cliff, Mia, Elata, Roberto and Henry chat online about Friday attending the next gamning convention dressed up as Phrydai and Annika suggests using her as a promotion for the convention.

10: The Impala breaks down.

11: Illeanna and Libby chat online about Illeanna being sick.

12: Ruby and Sam talk about Lilith.

13: Bela acquires a particular dagger.

14: Sam gives Faith a promise ring.

15: Faith and Dean talk about Sam.

16: Taylor and Natalie enjoy an evening alone.

17: Faith and Angel talk about Sam.

18: Tru meets her co-worker Jack.

19: Nikki tells Isaac that she's pregnant.

20: Faith, Sam and Deanplay games in the car to pass the time.

21: Christmas party at Wolfram and Hart.

22: Angel and Sam talk.

23: Bobby wishes Dean and Sam a Merry Christmas.

24: Faith, Sam and Deantalk about food and Christmas specials.

25: Faith and Sam kiss under mistletoe and enjoy breakfast at Wolfram and Hart.

26: Sam and Angel send each other youtube links.

27: Avery and JD are full.

28: Logan drops in on Faith, Sam, Angel and company.

29: Bella Donna plots with Johnny's son Andy about killing Rogue.

30: Bobby and Hank celebrate with Twinkies.

31: Faith, Sam and Dean get food.

November Summary
Onwards to January 2008 Summary