Births, Deaths and MarriagesNew University to be Built
Lauren and Theodore Davenport

Mum and Dad were at the foreground of the Rainbow Valley Charter. They worked hard alongside the adult founders of Rainbow Valley to create the required neighbourhood charter, and were the ones who originated the idea of the Coming of Age Ceremony. They were the ones who pushed the board into accepting the charter as you created it.

Mum and Dad raised us, their five children, despite being locked in a lab. They did their best by us.

We love you, Mum and Dad. You will be sorely missed. We are sorry that you couldn't be here to see your hard work fulfilled.

Rex, Queenie, Ralph, Brendan and Sarah Davenport

Gamro D'Beau
Congratulations to Rogue and Gambit D'Beau on the birth of their daughter, Gamro D'Beau.
First baby born in Rainbow Valley!

Charic Rossi
Congratulations to Charlotte Rossi and Vic Chancellor on the birth of their son, Charic Rossi.
Second baby born in Rainbow Valley!
The vast number of young sims in our neighbourhood has prompted the building of a new University. This $42,000,000 project is due to be completed by the end of Autumn. Teens wishing to attend will be able to apply for a variety of scholarships. Students from other neighbourhoods will also be able to attend. Names of Graduates will be published here, alongside any Honours attained.

Students attending University will have one opportunity to change their Life Choice, as was previously decided in our neighbourhood charter. Although not yet confirmed, it looks like this opportunity will be presented upon the completion of the sophomore year.

A new downtown district - "Downtown Rainbow Valley" has also been allocated to us. It is, however, empty at this time, and waiting new development.

Vic Chancellor

Coming of Age
As we decided in our neighbourhood charter, upon reaching the age of "Teen" we are supposed to declare our Life Choice in a public ceremony. The Life Choice consists of a long-term goal, and which direction in life you would like to go. It cannot be changed, save by attending university, wherein you will have one, and only one opportunity to change your Life Choice.

As this is our first week of residence in Rainbow Valley, and we have had no teen birthdays, we shall instead provide the Life Choices made by our new residents, as declared at our celebration on our first night. We will also publish when Life Choices are achieved, or changed via University.

Vic Chancellor:
Knowledge, Top of Education career track

Daria Chancellor: Knowledge, Top of Adevnturer career track

Heloise Walker:
Popularity, Top of Journalism career track

Newton Walker:
Knowledge, Top of Adevnturer career track

Erica Reid:
Pleasure, 50 first dates

Rogue D'Beau:
Family, Raise 20 puppies or kittens

Gambit D'Beau:
Fortune, Become Business Tycoon

Remy D'Beau:
Pleasure, Become Professional Party Guest

Anna D'Beau:
Knowledge, Top of Journalism career track

Rex Davenport:
Family, Graduate 3 children from college

Queenie Davenport:
Pleasure, Top of Gamer career track

Charlotte Rossi:
Romance, Top of Music career track

Katrina Rossi:
Knowledge, Top of Eductaion career track

The Rainbow Valley Chronicle
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Rainbow Valley