Garden ClubRainbow Valley University
Rainbow Valley's fourth Wishing Well winners are Casia and Armando Smith. The Smiths live on a corner block and their front yard features a pond and willow tree. They have a large green house and three orchard trees out the back.

"We were just so excited to win the Wishing Well award," Casia says happily.

1 Smith Street

Isaac and Stephanie Chancellor are the winners of the fifth Wishing Well award. The main feature of their garden is also in the front yard, with the flowerbed lining the paths and a small but pretty fountain in the centre. Like the Smiths, they too have a greenhouse and orchard trees out the back.

"It's nice to be appreciated in this way," says Stephanie. "We've worked so hard on our garden. It's a little cramped, but we like it."

2 Chancellor Street

If you would like the chance to win the Wishing Well award, contact the Rainbow Valley Garden Club for a membership an inspection.

Daria Ternynck
Some students from Greenacre University have been transfered to Rainbow Valley University, as the devastating flooding also took out their own campus. All new and existing students are asked to help them settle in. Resources may be stretched for a time, although some teachers from Greenacre University are also transferring. Counselling will be made available to all those effected.

31 teens and 10 newcomers have all enrolled into Rainbow Valley University. The new students are:

Kataspe Walker
Melravissa Reid
Tryn Reid
Guemabi D'Beau
Derek Mendoza
Guemba D'Beau
Renee Johnson
Rexa Davenport
Rexy Davenport
Weldon Rusewicz
Xeramy Davenport
Nina Walker
Steven McAluey
N'gin Walker
Shelia Johnson
A'cho Wilson
Debbie King
N'hol Wilson
Holanna Wison
Myquee D'Beau
Elizabeth Ng
K'hil Todd
H'rin Todd
Mandia Smith
Stessa Chancellor
Stephaisa Chancellor
Stephaac Chancellor
Riell Corsillo
Ryan Gothier
Malph Davenport
Relissa Davenport
Rockette D'Beau
A'din Davenport
Sibren Davenport
Charisa Davenport
Roesha D'Beau
Larry Boyle
Trally D'Beau
Chathia Rossi
Vasyl Hanby
Arle Mazza

Our seventh graduating class has 37 students.

The Greek House leadership has been passed onto Melravissa Reid and Xeramy Davenport from Tonina Walker, B'mar Corsillo and Roroka D'Beau.

Tramel Reid, summa cumme laude
Marsha Boyle, summa cumme laude
Isste Chancellor, summa cumme laude
Avri Collins, summa cumme laude
Tonina Walker, summa cumme laude
B'mar Corsillo, summa cumme laude
Roroka D'Beau, summa cumme laude
Chill Rossi, summa cumme laude
Lasanna Wilson, summa cumme laude
Adam Royce, summa cumme laude
Ramex Davenport, summa cumme laude
Jaspety Walker, summa cumme laude
Amyre Davenport, summa cumme laude
Niemy D'Beau, summa cumme laude
Siar Smith, summa cumme laude
Madelyn Deppiesse, summa cumme laude
Katril Todd, summa cumme laude
Victor McGaw, summa cumme laude
Brendasia Davenport, summa cumme laude
Tyson Davison, summa cumme laude
Rogubit D'Beau, summa cumme laude
Georgia Zadovsky, summa cumme laude
V'ral Davenport, summa cumme laude
Elise Rusewicz, summa cumme laude
D'nut Ternynck, summa cumme laude
Yasmine Phillips, summa cumme laude
Kittan Rossi, summa cumme laude
Tysha Rossi, summa cumme laude
Brad Lancaster, summa cumme laude
Vyra Davenport, summa cumme laude
Alec Collin, summa cumme laude
Jasette D'Beau, summa cumme laude
Vaura Chancellor, summa cumme laude
Iarma Smith, summa cumme laude
Taylor Wheeler, summa cumme laude
Z'rah Davenport, summa cumme laude

D'nut Ternynck

The Rainbow Valley Chronicle
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Rainbow Valley