Rumour Mill
Charlotte Rossi's been cruising for younger men whilst on holidays. Additionally, Charlotte's home was broken into one night, unfortunately, the thief made off with her spa and although she called the police, they were unable to catch him.

Karia and Dwayne McCarthy's home was also broken into. Fortunately, this time the thief was arrested.

Riell Corsillo has been seen flirting downtown with sales boy Ryan Gothier.

K'hil Todd and Relissa Davenport have been seen together as have Malph Davenport and Mandia Smith.

Ralph and Melissa Davenport hired a butler.

Xylon D'Beau shamelessly seduced Philina D'Beau during work hours, in front of his boss and grandmother, mother and the throng of customers.

Roesha D'Beau has been seeing townie Larry Boyle.

Chathia Rossi actually took time away from her precious gaming to actually go on a date. Witnesses say sales clerk Vasyl Hanby won her over by giving her a new computer game.

Party at Ally and Bitro D'Beau house

Ally D'Beau threw a large house party during the week. Everyone had a good time, although there was some disappointment when it good broken up by police. During the party Ally admitted to a surprise pregnancy.

Oliver Piero and Zeeki Rossi went out on a date. While Sarah Davenport was merely upset, Philina Todd and Nicoan D'Beau both seemed furious. Why, I ask you? It's been obvious since the beginning that all five of them have been...

Meadow Creelman went a little loopy after the birth of son J'dow, and then again when the kitch caught on fire. Apparently she was worried about their financial state after they had over-extended themselves on extensions and forgot to buy stairs for the second floor.

Cynthia Rossi has been heard screaming at husband Charic three doors down after she discovered he's gone and fathered another child on another woman, this time to Eniere D'Beau.

Holanna Wilson has been seen with fellow student Michael Baena, along with dormmate K'hil Todd, his brother H'rin, Ramex, Z'rah, V'ral, Malph and Sibren Davenport. In fact all the 'romantic' types at Uni, including Roroka, Jasette and Niemy D'Beau, Vaura Chancellor, Chill Rossi, Jaspety and Kataspe Walker, Charisa, Amyre, Relissa Davenport, Melravissa Reid and Brad Lancaster have all been seen with each other in various combinations. Non-incestuous couples only, of course.

N'hol Wilson has been seen dating social butterly Amaya Schweber at Uni. Rockette D'Beau had been seeing fellow student Glen Kauker, much to the disappointment of her high school boyfriend, Malph Davenport. A'din Davenport has been dating Meredith Bar. Stephaac Chancellor has been seen in the company of Kelly Trimble. Rexa Davenport has been showing off her... dancing prowess to class mate Dirk Goldman.

According to her housemates, Siar Smith and Madelyn Deppessie, Niemy D'Beau has been hitting the Grilled Cheese ever since her fiance, Juan Harris, died.

Extracted from "Anna D'Beau's Debut" Web Blog with permission.

Guemabi's Books
Guemabi D'Beau is Rainbow Valley's youngest entrepaneur. After declaring at the Coming of Age ceremony he desire to own five top level businesses, the first thing she did was to start her first one.

"Mum and Dad were very supportive," said Guemabi. "I certainly couldn't have started my bookshop without the money they gave me. They didn't even ask for me to pay them back, but I did anyway."

Guemabi's Books sells books and magazines. There is also coffee and a hot dog diner available for hungry patrons.

"It's the latest fashion to have a cafe in a bookshop," Guemabi nodded. "Just try not to get sauce or grease on the books until after you've paid for them, okay?"

Guemabi was inspired by 1 Mazza Parade to make her bookshop look like a book. She even went so far to actually have writing on the roof, which says "Guemabi Books".

Guemabi outside of Guemabi's Books

"I plan to continue the theme of making my shopfronts look like the things I'm selling for my future businesses," Guemabi explained.

When asked what her future endeavours were going to be Guemabi just smiled and said we'd have to wait and see.

So if you're looking for a book and a bite to eat, Guemabi's Books is the place to go. For enquiries, please call 053 009

Karut Ternynck

1     Little Green Women
Charony Mazza
2     That's the Ball Game
Lavic Chancellor
3     Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Juice
Keesha Rossi
4     Midnight Kisses
H.T. Jordan
5     Little Green Baby
Charony Mazza

Proudly sponsored by Guemabi's Books
Call 053 009 to buy these great books and more!

The Rainbow Valley Chronicle
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