Coming of Age
What an amazing Coming of Age ceremony we had this week! Unusual aspirations now need to be council approved. But on the bright side, secondary aspirations may now be declared.

But first, the primary aspirations:

Jaspety Walker
Romance, Professional Party Guest
Melravissa Reid
Pleasure, Professional Party Guest
Rogubit D'Beau
Pleasure, Space Pirate
Amyre Davenport
Knowledge, Mad Scientist
Rexa Davenport
Fortune, City Planner
Rexy Davenport
Family, Marry off 6 children
D'nut Ternynck
Popularity, Media Magnate
Nina Walker
Knowledge, Criminal Mastermind
N'gin Walker
Family, Marry off 6 children
A'cho Wilson
Family, Graduate 3 children from college
N'hol Wilson
Family, Captain Hero
Myquee D'Beau
Knowledge, Hand of Poseidon
K'hil Todd
Romance, Woohoo with 20 different sims
Iarma Smith
Knowledge, City Planner
Stessa Chancellor
Popularity, Captain Hero
V'ral Davenport
Grilled Cheese, Eat 200 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Vyra Davenport
Family, Graduate 3 children from college
Kittan Rossi
Romance, Become Rock star
Tysha Rossi
Pleasure, Become Chief of Staff
Xylina D'Beau
Fortune, Become Hand of Posideon
Jasette D'Beau
Romance, WooHoo with 20 different sims
Xylon D'Beau
Romance, Celebrity Chef
Brendasia Davenport
Fortune, City Planner
Z'rah Davenport
Romance, Hall of Famer

Roroka D'Beau
Popularity, Celebrity Chef
Georgia Zadovsky
Pleasure, Professional Party Guest
Yasmine Phillips
Popularity, Celebrity Chef
Adam Royce
Knowledge, Education Minister
Juan Harris
Fortune, Earn $100,000
Victor McGaw
Family, Marry of 6 children
Taylor Wheeler
Knowledge, Captain Hero
Avri Collins
Fortune, Business Tycoon
Alec Collin
Family, Captain Hero
Allison Gast
Popularity, Rock star
Christopher Patch
Popularity, The Law
Elspeth Gray
Family, Have 6 grandchildren
Brooke Pai
Family, Reach Golden Anniversary

And the first to declare secondary aspirations are:

Vaura Chancellor chose Pleasure
Jaspety Walker chose Fortune
Tramel Reid chose Fortune
Ramex Davenport chose Romance
Chill Rossi chose Knowledge
D'nut Ternynck chose Fortune
Tonina Walker chose Pleasure
Lasanna Wilson chose Knowledge
A'cho Wilson chose Knowledge
N'hol Wilson chose Popularity
Anna Wilson chose Family
Niemy D'Beau chose Fortune
Myquee D'Beau chose Pleasure
Katril Todd chose Popularity
K'hil Todd chose Popularity
Siar Smith chose Pleasure
Casia Smith chose Pleasure
Iarma Smith chose Popularity
Isaac Chancellor chose Popularity
Stephanie Chancellor chose Knowledge
Isste Chancellor chose Fortune
Stessa Chancellor chose Grilled Cheese
B'mar Corsillo chose Popularity
V'ral Davenport chose Fortune
Kitty Rossi chose Romance
Zeeshan Harris chose Popularity
Kittan Rossi chose Pleasure

Tysha Rossi chose Fortune
Xylina D'Beau chose Romance
Jasette D'Beau chose Fortune
Rocky Rossi chose Knowledge
Roroka D'Beau chose Romance
Bitro D'Beau chose Fortune
Jese Creelman chose Family
Meadow Creelman chose Fortune
Eniere D'Beau chose Family
Brendasia chose Knowledge
Rogubit chose Fortune
Vyra chose Grilled Cheese
Z'rah Davenport chose Pleasure
Larvic Chancellor chose Romance
Ralyn Davenport chose Knowledge
Karia Ternynck chose Fortune
Karut Ternynck chose Knowledge
Dwayne McCarthy chose Knowledge
Keesha Rossi chose Romance
GG D'Beau chose Fortune
Regton Walker chose Popularity
R'Bit D'Beau chose Family
Opal Raymond chose Family
Xar Davenport chose Family
Philtrin Todd chose Fortune
Nicona Wilson chose Pleasure
Nicoan Wilson chose Fortune
Zeeki Rossi chose Pleasure
Jerome Farrell chose Knowledge
Georgia Zadovsky chose Popularity
Yasmine Phillips chose Fortune
Juan Harris chose Pleasure
Victor McGaw chose Fortune
Taylor Wheeler chose Family
Avri Collins chose Knowledge
Alec Collin chose Popularity
Allison Gast chose Fortune
Christopher Patch chose Fortune
Elspeth Gray chose Popularity
Brooke Pai chose Grilled Cheese

Only Amyre Davenport chose to change at the completion of her sophomore year, to Pleasure with a secondary of Romance and a desire to be a game designer.

Last, but not least, those who fulfilled their lifetime wants are:

Casia Smith became Cheif of Staff
Roguette D'Beau become a Hall of Famer
Sarah Davenport become a Hall of Famer
Bitro D'Beau became a Criminal Mastermind
Dart Ternynck became a Mad Scientist
Eniere D'Beau became a Celebrity Chef

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