The Rainbow Valley Chronicle

This Week: Summer - Autumn
Issue #2
Next Week: Winter - Spring

Rainbow Valley University OpensWelcome to Rainbow Valley
Rainbow Valley University has opened its doors and enrolled its first students.

Seven residents and two newcomers from Rainbow Valley are to be joined by several students from all around SimNation in our very own University. There are several majors available for our kids to study, some which lead to new career tracks not available to those without a degree. Rainbow Valley University stands to go a long way to educating our young folk, and giving them a kickstart in their adult life.

There is already a greek house on campus, started by our very own Daria Chancellor, entitled "The Greek House". When asked about the name, Daria had this to say:

"The Greek House is the first, and only, greek house on campus. Thus I believed it had to make a statement: 'I am here, you can't ignore me'. Additionally, if and when other greek houses appear on campus, I wanted it to be certain for future students that The Greek House is the premium greek house. The first and the best."

Rumour has it that there is also a secret society on campus, but so far these rumours are unsubstanciated.

Rainbow Valley University

Our students are also to be supported by the University Centre, which is complete with library, gym, social and entertainment centre and catering. There are also two dormatories available: The Cassandra Chancellor building, and the Casper Walker building.

For more information, and a list of all Rainbow Valley students attending, please go to page 2.

Vic Chancellor
What a week we've had this week! From summer we moved into the days of autumn, wherein teens were studying like mad to earn scholarships for University. Some of our kids have entered private school. Those who have started gardens have harvested tasty fruits and vegetables, and already we're starting to feel the chill of winter coming on.

Our kids are growing up into fine young men and women, with the first of them heading off to Rainbow Valley University for their further education. Perhaps they'll even meet that special someone - those who haven't already.

Vic Chancellor
Editor in Chief

The Rainbow Valley Chronicle

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The Rainbow Valley Chronicle
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Rainbow Valley