The Vijayakar Family

3 Vijayakar Street

Fortunate Springs

"Married to a Madwoman"

When I took a new job as a specialist at the beginning of the week, I was not to know that this week would be different to any other.
The hidden stair
I think it started with the staircase I built. Always had been planning to build a second floor, figured I'd get started on it. Woke up the next morning to find this wall build around it. Guess that Allison found it more asthetically pleasing, and thought nothing else of it. How was I supposed to know that she had built another staircase under it?
Allison hangs out with other men at night. Outside. In her underwear.
Fact is, I was more interesting in taking care of Albert. Allison cared very little for him, I knew, although why she couldn't at least feed him when I was at work, I don't know. Somehow I earnt a promotion to medical researcher, despite my preoccupation over Albert's welfare.
Still, Albert did manage to grow up well into a child. I felt happier now that he would be going to school.
Meanwhile, Allison got promoted to Celebrity Chef and fulfilled her lifetime want.
Allison moved things into The Basement
Then one day Allison decided to show me the staircase she built. "Go down and take a look," she said.
I was suitably surpised. So this was where all the money was disappearing to: "Wow honey, this is a great basement you built... but Albert needs a bed... couldn't this have waited?"
"Now I must lock the door"
But I got no response from Allison. Discovering that she was not behind me as I had thought, I went back upstairs.
Locked out
"Honey... hey! Why is the door locked?"
Or perhaps, locked in?
"Allison? Can you let me out please?"
"But... but... but why?"
"Enough! You thought you would trap me! You thought you could keep me from seeing other people by marrying me and making me have children! But I am not your slave! I am not your property! Thus I have trapped you like you thought to trap me! MWAHAHA I will never let you free!"
It was at this moment I realised I had married a madwoman.
"Now my darling... we don't have to worry about my fool of a husband catching us!"
I decided to play some chess. If I could max out my logic, perhaps I could think of a way out of this mess. I was then I sensed it... that horrible feeling... I KNEW Allison was cheating on me. Curses! I was locked in and couldn't give her the slap she deserves!
Allison locks Albert in too
When Albert came home from school that Friday afternoon, Allison locked him into the basement too. It was all I could do the comfort the poor boy, especially as he had no bed to sleep on.
Alec writes in his diary
Dear Dirary
Well, today was unexpected. First I find out that Allison has been working on this basement with all our money (no wonder I could never finish the upstairs!) Then she locks both me and Albert in the basement. It doesn't even have beds or a kitchen. I don't know how we'll survive without food, and Albert has to sleep on the couch. Lasty, Allison is cheating on me. With Ricky Cormier. How I know this without actually seeing them together, I'm not sure, but she is!
How he actually gets the chocolates out of the house is a mystery
Fortunately, the chocolate maker was one of the things that Allison moved downstairs. I made chocolates for hours and hours...
How they actually managed to move Albert's new bed into the basement isn't clear either
But I finally managed to save enough to buy Albert his much needed bed.
Meet Snookums the poodle, an extra. Also, Allison is pregnant again... but who to?
Soon we were hearing a new sound. A dog barking. So, Allison has replaced her own family with a dog, has she?
Alec and his new friend, the energiser
Meanwhile, I practically live on the energiser, for lack of kitchen facilities, and Albert can't eat anything but muffins. I have to do something. I must!
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