The Vijayakar Family

1 Vijayakar Street

Fortunate Springs

"Double abduction"

The twins become teens
What an eventful time this has been! Max and Logan became teens, both aspiring to be popular. Max wanted to be a Celebrity Chef, and Logan Captain Hero. They soon both took jobs in those respective fields.
Meet Joshua
Shortly after the twins' birthday, I gave birth to baby Joshua.
My Alec became a child. We got both Alec and Cindy into Private school, and it turned out that I was pregnant again. Hurrah! Not long therafter, Joshua became a toddler.
Dad? What's that light?
Then one night while Derek and Max were out star gazing, the aliens abducted Derek! Just like what happened to Juan and Ricky!
Even Joshua was upset
Fortunately, he was returned a few hours later, and of all things he was happy about the experience! Happy! Well, at least he didn't come back pregnant like Juan and Ricky.
Cindy becomes a teen
Logan got promoted to Security Guard when his suggestion for Valet Parking is so successful.

Soon Cindy's birthday came, and she became a teen, desiring a family and aiming to have three children graduate college. She also took a job as a campaign worker.

The aliens come for Max
One night, after going on a date with her new boyfriend, Daryl Zhang, those darn aliens came for Max! The nerve! Wasn't abducting my husband enough? They have to take my daughter too?
Derek's so happy for Max
Fortunately, she too, was returned a few hours later. And Derek, for some incomprihensible reason was actually happy she got abducted by aliens. Hmph. I tell myself it's because it means she can get the Extraterrestrial Reparations Grant for college, but I don't think that's it.
A TV for Max
Daryl, sweet boy that he is, gave Max a present of a TV. I was both excited and nervous about this gift - how'd he pay for it, and why exactly was he giving my daughter expensive presents?
Meet Tinga
At any rate, all the excitement that night sent me into an early labour - and my darling Tinga was born!
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