Dragan Nagard

Fortunate Springs University

Fortunate Springs

"Love, love everywhere"

Resurrecting Willow
Alon decides he can't stand for fellow Eureka! member, and unfortunate morsel of the hungry cowplant to remain dead when he was brought back to life, and so takes it upon himself to bring her back for $10,000
Jihoon and Kira, Dean and Willow
Enid and Dean Chance pledge and move into the Greek House. Before too long, they too are members of Eureka!
Uhura and Jihoon, and then with Alon
Uhura is her usual romance sim self. The newly-reformed Jihoon can't seem to resist her charms, and Alon is like putty in her hands.
Streaker hides behind Kira
Streaker waves
Streaker runs out the door...
Despite his setback, Jihoon is quite meaningful in his desire to spend his life with Kira, and he proposes. Kira accepts, and the pair are so absorbed in each other, that neither notices the streaker.
Enid and Andrzej
Enid has her first kiss with Andrzej Hanby. Her love, and fellow Eureka! member soon move into the Greek House as a full member.
Dean and Willow
Love must be in their air, for Dean proposes to Willow, and she accepts whole-heartedly.
Alon, Kira, Jihoon and Uhura
Alon, Kira, Jihoon and Uhura complete their junior year.
Dean, Andrzej, Enid and Willow
Dean, Andrzej, Enid and Willow complete their freshman year.
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