
Fortunate Springs University

Fortunate Springs

"Back from the Dead"

It's alive!
Alec made a special visit to Eureka! He was determined to bring back their lost schoolmate, Mallory Nott. That's right, he rang the Grim Reaper and paid him a full $10,000 to bring Mallory back from the dead. Mallory was so happy, they became friends instantly, and was welcomed into the Greek House with open arms.
Alec, Cindy, Orlando, Mallory, Nicole and Jean-Luc
Then, something else they thought was dead came back. Those darn giant llamas stampeded their Greek House again! You'd think after all these years the Uni would have finally caught all those specimens of that science club project. But oh no, they bred and now there are so many of the running wild....
Their new house
Fortunately, the board was a lot more prompt in compensating them for their loss, and a brand new house was built, complete with all the fixtures they enjoyed previously.

Read: Have gotten very, very tired of Var-Cham-Hoh getting bugged. Especially as everytime it happens, I have to save up and have them build again from scratch. I just went and motherloded enough to rebuild their place, and was done with it.

Nicole and Orlando play instruments, while Alec enjoys first date #31
Their new place came with one thing new: a stage for all their instruments.
Jean-Luc and Nicole
At long last, Jean-Luc and Nicole complete their senior year, and return to the neighbourhood.
Alec and his 50th first date!
Then, the time came. All that money spent, came to this great moment. Alec was about to have his 50th first date. He decided to splurge this time, and go the whole $5,000
His Lifetime want of having 50 first dates was accomplished with Dagmar Bertino, their postwoman.
The year is over
Alec, Cindy and Orlando complete their sophomore year. Mallory completes her freshman year.
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