
Fortunate Springs University

Fortunate Springs

"Andrew Andrews"

Three lightning bolts! Three! No catering required!
Nadia had been calling up people in the campus directory. Being a popularity sim, meeting new people was always important to her. But her quest for friendships turned up something much more... She met Andrew Andrews, and fell for him immediately.
Nadia and Andrew
It seemed that Andrew felt the same way about Nadia. They were soon dating, and Nadia had her first kiss with him. Naturally, Nadia pledged him into Var-Cham-Hoh and invited him to move in.

Everyone made the Deans list again the next semester.

They come for Andrew
Bedore long, the black limo arrived for Andrew, and he too, was inducted into Eureka.
Starting again
Fortunately, our people were all out of the house when it happened. A herd of giant stampeding llamas collided with their Greek House, completely destorying the building. Many suspect the oversized llamas were the product of the science club's experimenting.

In either case, the gang was forced to relocate, apply for a new charter, and rebuild from scratch.

Not the slightest bit discouraged, Nadia threw a toga party. Everyone had a good time despite their 'open house', and the highlight of the party was when Andrew proposed to Nadia. With great excitement, Nadia accepted.
Umm, oops?
The low point of the party, however, was when Andrew set the hamburgers on fire. And they didn't have a fire alarm or sprinkers yet.

The rest of the semester passed without incident, and the three all completed their Sophomore year on the Deans List.

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