The Thayer Family

1 Thayer Street

Fortunate Springs

"Two babies and a Teen"

This week started great! The first thing to happen was that I finally fulfilled my lifetime want of becoming a Business Tycoon!
Thorn and Bud
Then Thorn and Bub celebrated their childhood birthday.
A new room
And with their birthday came a new room for them to share.
Meet Briar
Soon thereafter, Meadow gave birth to a baby girl, Briar.
Meadow and Briar
Briar's birthday came around swiftly.
Theodore and the Headmaster
We invited the Headmaster over, and managed to get Fern, Thorn and Bud enrolled in his prestigious school.
Oooh elixier
It was around this time that Meadow talked me into having some Elixier of Life. She wanted very much to have 10 children. Although I don't really want to have so many children, I do love Meadow, and who can really complain about living a little longer, eh?

We celebrated the event with a little, well, let's just say, Meadow was soon expecting again.

Fern, Thorn and Bud
It's good to see that our kids get along though. They love going bowling together, and have such a great time. I hope that doesn't change.
Fern grows up
Then the day came when Fern grew up, and suddenly we had a teen in the house! Fern decided to seek pleasure and wanted to have 50 dream dates.
Working in the family business
Well, I wasn't about to have Fern become some sort of shallow, frivious person! Not me! As soon as she came back from downtown getting new clothes and a new hairdo, I took her to Robot Central, and put her to work making and selling robots, and even standing at the registar for a stretch.
Fern has her first kiss downtown in her pajamas
Somehow inbetween working at Robot Central, and her new job as a gas station attendant, Fern actually managed to get a boyfriend - Tucker Smith. He's as much of a layabout as Fern wants to be (and would be if I didn't have my say in things!)
New front yard
Well, by now we were doing rather well for ourselves financially. The top floor of our house wants complete yet, but I decided to splurge and do up the front yard a bit. I think when the top floor of our house is done, I might do some more work out the front. *Considers*
Meet Violet
Meadow gave birth to a baby girl, Violet.

On her next day back at work, however, Meadow takes a role in a script written by a famous playwright, even though it's not as good as his others. It goes so badly, she ends up getting a demotion to Cartoon voice.

The week ended with Briar's child transition.
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