The Nanale Family

3 Nanale Place

Fortunate Springs


I know I only just had Silver, but I was soon pregnant again. And happy about it.
Conrad and Silver
Speaking of Silver, he had his toddler birthday.
And Ruby follow suit with her child birthday the same night.
After acheiving his lifetime want of becoming a mad scientist, Conrad took a new job as a general practitioner. He was soon a Specialist.
Meet Emerald
I had a baby girl, whom we named Emerald Nanale.
We bought ourselves a pet cat. His name is Onyx, and we got him a job as a vermin chaser. It took us awhile, but we eventually got him promoted to therapy pet.
Emerald grew up into an adorable little toddler.
And the following night, Silver grew up into a child. I was so used to him being a toddler, I nearly missed the big moment!
After my promotion to Celebrity Chef, I got pregnant again. I decided to use the time to find a new job in law enforcement, and got one as Police Cheif.
Ruby and F'lar
Meanwhile, Ruby was making good friends with F'lar Reeves. Aww, don't they look precious?

Conrad and I managed to get Ruby and Silver into private school, although it was a near miss when we discovered there was no food in the kitchen to make dinner with! I kept him busy with chatter and a tour while Conrad ordered groceries to be delivered and cooked dinner when they arrived.

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