The Luck Family

1 JustForLuck Street

Fortunate Springs

"Growing up"

Oooh magical green liquidy stuff
Sabastian got a promotion to Getaway Driver, and we used the money to get a second car. Then I decided I didn't want to outlive my husband, so I took to the Elixier of Life and aged myself back to Sabastian's age. There. Besides, this way I could spend more time with my children.
Not feeling well? Aww, that's not good. Oh wait... yes it is... ;)
When Sabastian found out, well, we celebrated. And well, I ended up pregnant again! But I don't mind. It would be nice to have a child who's last name is Thayer.
He's a money earning machine
Sabastian come home from work one day, and was all excited. He had to do some quick thinking that night, something about choosing a turnpike instead... and it got him a mechanical skill point and $5000! Fantastic. Plus, he also got promoted to Bank Robber. We used the money to start work on a second floor.
Nadia and Aidan grow up
Nadia and Aidan grew up into children. Sabastian got a promotion to cat burglar. We did some more work on the upstairs. Hopefully we'll be able to move into it soon. There was also some renovations done downstairs.
Good pats her stomach in anticipation
Well, I was determined to get Nadia and Aidan into a good school, so we called BJ Ryan from the Fortunate Springs Academy and invited him over for dinner. I took him on a tour while Sabastian cooked dinner. It went down a treat and my kids got into private school. I was so happy.
Meet Theodore Thayer
Soon the day arrived when I went into labour, and had a baby boy. We named him Theodore.

After ages of thinking I'd never get back to work, I finally did, and got a promotion to All Star, then to MVP, Sabastian also got a promotion to counterfieter.

Theodore's birthday
Theodore became a cute little toddler, and I was looking forward to teaching him just like I did Nadia and Aidan.
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