The Luck Family

1 JustForLuck Street

Fortunate Springs

"Passing on"

Aidan and Brooke
The week began with a couple of birthdays: Aidan and Brooke's to be exact. They became elders. Hmph. Makes me feel really old when my kids are elders too.
Sabastian's Grave
Unfortunately, Sabastian was feeling his age a little too much. He passed away just a couple of hours later. It was only now that I realised that I needed to invest in the future, and I'm not talking about simoleons either!
The Luck/Thayer Mausoleom
I had a mausoleom built firstly. Needed a nice, final resting place for my poor husband. I feel it will not be long before I am joining him.
Passing on the businesses
I passed on my businesses to Aidan too. More use to him than to me.
Jennifer and George
Jennifer met a nice boy, George McCarthy.
Another business
You may think it odd, but I actually regretted passing my businesses on so soon. In fact, I started a new one: The Fortunate Springs Real Estate, although we ended up selling more paintings than real estate, heh. I know I will have to pass this one on with not much time to play, but the problem with retirement is bordeom. Boredom, I tell you!
Sydney and Jennifer
Sydney and Jennifer do well in their jobs. Sydney is promoted to Gas Station Attendant, and Jennifer is promoted to PickPocket. I hope they continue to do as well in the future.
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