The Specimen Family

Household #4: Bonnie Estate

Family Main
Family Tree
Page 1
Bonnie Adult Family President (Business)
Komei Adult Fortune Excecutive Chef (Culinary)
Carrie Anne Teen Knowledge Lab Assistant (Science)
Connie Teen Popularity Team Mascott (Athletic)
Knut Baby Grow up N/A
Ryan Child Grow up N/A
Brian Toddler Grow up N/A
Shannon Baby Grow up N/A


Bonnie moved into her own home. (Was involved in the dead elder bug fix.)
She fell in love with, had her first kiss with, proposed and got married to Komei.

Bonnie and Komei marry

Update #1

Bonnie gave borth to Carrie Anne.
Soon Carrie Anne becomes a toddler.
Not long after, Connie is born, and she too soon becomes a toddler.
Carrie Anne as a child
Carrie Anne becomes a child.
Bonnie gives birth to a baby boy, Knut.

Update #2

Komei decides to switch from medicine to culinary.
Ryan is born.
Knut becomes a child.
Carrie Anne as a teen
Carrie Anne becomes a teen with an interest in acquiring knowledge. She thus gets a job in the science career track.
Brian is born and soon becomes a toddler.
Carrie Anne, Connie and Knut all get into private school.
Carrie Anne becomes an overachiever with her promotion to lab assistant.
Ryan becomes a child.
Connie as a teen, standing with Bonnie and Knut
Connie becomes a teen, motivated to popularity and gets a job in the athletic career track.
Shannon is born.

Update #3

University installed