27 September 2004

Making his own enquiries

Written by Michelle


Tad start down at the computer and logged in. The boys were occupied with band practice - their brother had come over, so they'd be out of his hair for hours.

Tad had to find out more about this little adventure they went on the week before.

He ran a search on the YIRAAS site, as part of the agents only section, and ran a search on males of the approxament age group he thought that Christian and Guffery were in. Finding out who they were would eb a good start.

"Ah ha!" he exclaimed, recongnising one face. "That's him! Christian Thomas. Considered armed and dangerous. Oooh, look at that. A "bring in for rehab" warrant."

But when Tad clicked on the 'more bio info' link, it came up that he didn't have the right clearence. Frowing, he went back to his search for Guffery.

Guffery's profile - when he found it, granted him even less information. Just a name, power, Death Warrant notice, and warnings that he was considered armed and dangerous.

Tad logged out. Partly satisfied, but mostly not, he leant back to mull over his findings. He supposed Taylor and Christian's obvious similarities in looks had something to do with their meeting, but it certainly didn't answer all the questions.

And he was going to learn the truth.
