25 September 2004

Baby time already?

Written by Joy


"Are you sure?" Warren asked. Ducky nodded. It was very early in the morning, and Ducky woke Warren when the contractions started.

"Dr. McCoy said I might go into labor a little early. This baby wants out now." Warren laid his hand on Ducky's stomach and smiled as he felt the baby. Warren picked up the phone and called Hank to let him know they were on the way, and then helped Ducky to the car. Down in the medlabs Hank had everything set up to do the c-section.

"ALl right Daphne, we're all set," the fuzzy blue man said as he and Jean prepared to do the cesarean. Hank didn't want to risk Daphne giving birth because of the baby's wings. After the surgery, Ducky was stitched up, and laid there while the medication wore off. Warren held his son after Jean cleaned him up, announcing "It's a healthy boy," Then Warren set their son in Ducky's arms.

"Hello my darling, my beautiful boy. I've been waiting to see you."
