24 September 2004

Demanding an Explanation

Written by Michelle and AiMsTeR


Tad decided that after Taylor and Isaac's antics of two days ago, that he deserved some explanation. Subsequencly, he stalked over to where Isaac and Taylor were watching TV, stood between then and said TV and have them both dark looks.

"Now," he said. "I want an explanation for your little outing the other day. And I want it now."


Taylor's eyebrows simply rose.

"And of course you're never lacking subtlety," he said, before leaning to the side so he could see the TV screen again.


"Yeah, move out of the way," Isaac agreed.

"You've had two days. Two whole days to explain things," Tad went on. "You could have said something earlier, but ooohhhh nooo... you had to leave Tad in the dark. I want answers, and now."


"You said yourself that you don't care to know us. We did what we did for personal reasons. Therefore it shouldn't bother you. Now come on, get out of the way. We're just getting to the good bit," Taylor insisted, grabbing the remote and pausing the movie.


"You went into a dangerous situation, to rescue someone from a telepathical monitored base on the condition he helped you take down Blakesley. I have a right to know," Tad said stubbornly.

"I think you have the gist of it," Isaac said encouragingly. "That sounds about right to me. Now uhh... TV?"


"Agreed," Taylor nodded.

He looked up at Tad expectantly.



Tad glowered at them.

Then, Isaac, in his impatience, inadvertantly pushed Tad out of the way just in time to catch the good part.

Snarling, Tad stalked off. He'd find out what they were hiding from them. Just see if he didn't!
