15 September 2004

Quittin' time

Written by Joy


Isaiah punched his timecard and headed out of the parlour. He had a long day at work, and a great day for tips, so he decided to go out and have some fun. Maybe he'd go to a pub or a club or the cinema. He didn't know what yet, but he had money in his pocket begging to be spent.

Carrie Anne

Carrie Anne shrugged on her jacket, and had a moment of personal vanity to kinetically smooth the wrinkles out.

"Out for a night on the town?" she asked Isaiah, spotting him on her way out.


"THinking about it, money's burning a hole in my pocket. I just have no clue what to do. Care to join me and try not to be bored?" He suggested.

Carrie Anne

Carrie Anne smiled.

"Sure," she said. "Why not? I have no plans this evening."


"Hmmm, what shall we do? Go to a movie? Go out dancing? What strikes your fancy?" Izzy asked.

Carrie Anne

"I haven't been out dancing for a while..." Carrie Anne mused. "Unless you'd rather see a movie, dancing sounds good to me?"


"there's a good club down the street apiece. Mutants get in free with a disply of power," Izzy said, laughing. "The club is kind of lame, but the music's good, and the drinks are cheap."

Carrie Anne

Carrie Anne nodded.

"Okay," she said. "Sounds like fun."
