10 September 2004

First midnight patrol

Written by Joy and Michelle


Drusilla made sure her ring was on tight as she rode her tiger up towards the new SLayer school. She knew better than to eat Rupert's children, but she was curious. This new Hellmouth was not as powerful as the one in Sunnydale, the the strength still radiated from it, calling her there.

"My dear Vlad, what do you reckon shall be done about this place? These girls are not yet as strong as they may be, but they are learning fast." There was a small group of older girls out on patrol, learning firsthand what to do.

"LEt us stick the shadows, my dear. We shall make ourselves known when the time is right."


Armelle felt the presence of evil, but could not locate it. She did, however, spot an ugly orange demon, and decided it would look much better without a head.


Friday wrinkled her nose and shared a glance with Armelle. She then followed Armelle towards it, slilently slipping her sais out of their sheaves.

She had been so happy when she had gotten a new set from the Conners. In a strange way, she actually felt naked nowadays if she didn't have them on her.


"That was totally icky," Armelle said. "At least vampires just explode into dust, all you need is to sweep them up. But demons, with all the slime and the yuck? It's rather disgusting." The patrol group walked through the cemetary, and split up into groups of twos, the roommates sticking together.

"So, Friday, while we search for yucky things, what do you think about the Oz books?"


"Yes, they are icky," Friday agreed. "And until I saw them in your room, I have no idea there was more than one Oz book."

She kept an eye on the orange demon. They edged closer.


"THe Oz books rock. Ozma was the ruler, with her silver shoes, and then she was turned into a boy and couldn't remember who he/she was." Armelle said, as she watched a hand punch out of the ground.

"ooh, looks like this one's rising."


Friday twirlled one sai in her fingers, an odd smile crossing her face.

"It scares me sometimes, just how into this I've gotten," she said softly. "I mean, I never believed in all this stuff. I think a part of me still doesn't."


They watched the vampire try to claw its way to the surface, and Armelle suddenly started laughing.

"HE's stuck! He's a big-bad vampire, and he's stuck!"


Friday joined in on the chuckling.

"Loser," she taunted.

She sheathed her sais, and unsheathed her sai-stakes. Yes, she always carried both with her.

"You see big orange demon, you think you want metal. But these are vamps, so wood it is. Oho! I think our little friend is getting himself unstuck..."


"Yep, but with my fan, I can cut off anything's head, which comes just as handy with vamps. But I've always got my stake," Armelle said, grabbing.


"Yeah... stakes..." Friday shrugged. "Such a boring weapon."

The vampire's upper chest was now visble. Before he could get out any further, Friday took the liberty of throwing one of her sai-stakes through his 'heart'.

"Bullseye," she smiked, and the vampire dissolved into dust.


Armelle grabbed the vamp's sire from where he was hiding behind a tree. "This always works well for me," she said, slicing her fan cleanly through his neck, watching him dissolve into dust.


Friday nodded.

"Nice shot," she said approvingly.

She stood up and carefully walked over to retrive her sai-stake.


"Alright. So, should we use slaying as an excuse to go into town and see a movie? Or should we just go back to the dorm like we're supposed to and go to bed?" Armelle asked


Friday considered for a moment.

"There could be vampires staking out the cinema," Friday said. "I think it's our duty to make sure that they don't victimise anyone. In fact, I think it's even a preventative measure - the more vampires we kill now, the less we have to kill later - especially as they'll have less chance to breed."

She winked conspiritally.


"Sure sounds good to me," Armelle said. SHe looked over her shoulder to see if anybody was watching and then headed off towards the cinema, which was actually not very far from the cemetary.


Friday walked with Armelle to the cinema.

"Dude, who builds a cinema within walking distance of a cemetary?" she asked. "Or is this a Cleveland thing? I've been trying to workout why Cleveland always gets picked on by other Americans."


"From what I can understand, it's a Hellmouth thing. I mean, if you live somewhere where the death rate is super-high, you're going have a lot of cemetaries, not too far away for people to visit their families, I suppose," Armelle said. "I think we need to look a little less conspicuous," Armelle said. SHe had thrown her cloak aside while slaying, but had grabbed it to go to the cinema. SHe put it over her shoulders, leaving the hood down, but tying it to cover her fan and stake hanging from her belt.


"Ahh," Friday nodded. "The fun of having to hide your weapons. Watch this:"

She ran her fingers down the edges of her sheaves so that they fused with her pants by way of atom manipulation. Then she pulled her shirt out over the hilts so that no one would notice them - at least not at first glance.

"Ta da!" she grinned.


"Now THAT is cool," Armelle said. "Let's go find a good film to watch. And we can heckle the crazy Americans and make fun of their accents."


"Okay -" Friday was about to continue when she overheard the sounds of a scuffle nearby.

She glance at Armelle, and then slunk towards the noise.

What came into view was one of the girls from the school fighting a vampire. Well, that is to say she was executing some awesome gymnatic feats but the complete lack of a weapon was making it rather difficult for her to actually kill the vampire.

Friday, realising they had to do something, also came to the conlusiont hat she couldn't just throw her sai-stake like she did before.

"Out of the way!" she warned the girl.

Both slayer and vampire looked at Friday. The girl made use of the distraction to do exactly what she had been told by launching up into a nearby tree. Friday turned the male vampire into a girl, which - due to the position they had been in, cause them to topple over from the change of balance.

"What the -" the vampire snarled.

"What? You don't like being a girl?" Friday smirked.

The vampire lunged at her, Friday turned her back into a he, again putting the vampire off balance (even only briefly) and plunged her sai-stake into his heart.

The slayer dropped down from the tree as the vampire turned to dust.

"Thanks," she panted.

"What were you doing out here alone with no weapons?" Friday asked. "He nearly killed you."

"My stake is over there," she pointed. "I dropped it. My partner and I got surpised by two vampires - and separated fighting them. I don't know where she is."


"Well," Armelle said. "There's a few more showings tonight. Let's find your partner and then we can all go to the movies and relax. Did you see which way she went?"


The slayer frowned and looked around.

"That way I think," she said pointing. "Thanks - Friday? That you?"

"Yeah... oh! Katrina!" Friday grinned. "Should have realised it was you, with all those flips and stuff. You're really good."



"All right," Armelle said, "Let's go find Lil, so we can all go patrol for demons in the cinema."


"Patrol in the cinema?" Katrina asked.

"Well, there's lots of people in there. And it's dark. Who knows how many vampires might be there," Friday said innocently.

"Ahh, I see," Katrina grinned.

The girls headed off in the general direction Katria thought Lillian had gone.


"Hey, is that her?" Armelle asked. A vamp had a girl pinned upside down against the wall of a nearby crypt. The girl was swinging her legs but she couldn't quite catch the vamp's head. Armelle grabbed her stake and threw it, staking the vamp in the back.

Lilly fell on her back hard as the vamp dissolved.

"Lilly, are you okay?" Armelle said, running over.


Lilly was panting heavily.

"Ye-yeah, I think so," she said. "Ohhhhh I hope I never, never, never go through that ever again."

She shook her head.

"Unfortunately, you're not going to get your wish," Friday replied. "Believe me when I say you're not the only one who doesn't want to do this."

"Well, that sucks."


"Ohh... whoever killed the vampire... thank you, thank you, thank you!"


"Not a problem. Now I think we should check for vampires in the cinema," Armelle suggested.


"The cinema?" Lilly asked.

"Yes," Friday nodded. "Because what better place for vampires to lurk?"

"Umm, dark alleys?" Katrina suggested.

"That is so cliche. Besides, everyone should know by now that only bad things happen in dark alleyways, thus avoid them. And plus, there are load more people in the cinema. Which is also dark."

Lilly giggled.

"Okay, well, onwards to the cinema!"


Armelle made sure her weapons were hidden. "What shall we see? I haven't see the King Arthur movie yet," she suggested.


"Sounds good to me," Friday agreed. "They have lots of cool weapons in that movie... Nothing like a sai or that great fan of yours, but still cool."

"Oooh what fan?" asked Lilly as the girls name their way to the cinema.


Armelle looked around to see that nobody was watching her and pulled it out from under her cloak snapping it open.

"You like it? My brother had it made for me when he found out I was a Slayer."


Lilly and Katrina looked at the fan.

"Cool," Lilly said.

"There she is," Friday said, pointing to the cinema.


"Here's something to ponder," Armelle said, "Why are buildings, cars and the like always 'shes'?"


"Umm, because they're usually constructed by he's?" Friday suggested as they walked inside.

"King Arthur is on in a few minutes," Katrina said.


"Oh, idea!" Armelle said. "I think we should sneak in. I've never snuck into the cinema before, and I've always thought that would be fun."


"Why not?" Friday mused. "Besides, we're doing this place a service by keeping it vampire free."

She nodded.

Armella and Katrina

"I don't know," Katrina said, "Couldn't we get in a lot of trouble if we get caught?"

"Well, I have diplomatic immunity," Armelle said, "And I do have the money, it would just be a lot of fun."


"Diplomatic immunity doesn't exactly help the rest of us," Friday said. "And we probably would get in trouble if we get caught. Hence why we shall avoid getting caught."

Lilly giggled.

"Sounds like a plan."

Armelle and Katrina

Katrina grinned. "Let's sneak in the back way, all Mission: Impossible-like."

"Sounds like fun. Good thing we're all wearing black," Armelle replied.


"Why not?" Friday mused. "Let's just check which cinema we're sneaking into. Don't wanna end up in some bound to be crap movie that Ben Stiller is in. Ick."

She peered down the asile and noted which of the moving red signs said 'King Arthur' and what number cinema it was with.

"Cinema 3 it is."

Armelle and Katrina

Armelle lead the group around to the back of the building. Katrina grinned, and broke the lock on the back door.

"Ready for this?" Kat asked.


"Always," Friday grinned. "Just a sec..."

She moved her head through the door with her atom manipulation like she had been taught, and looked around.

"All clear," she said, pulling her head out.

"Hey, cool," Lilly said. "I wish I could do that."

"There are certain advantages to being half alien," Friday nodded.


"Okay, let's go," Armelle said, opening the door and sneaking into the back of the theatre."


The girls slipped inside and nonchalantly walked down to cinema 3. Giggling, they stepped inside.

"We did it," Friday grinned. "So... where shall we sit?"

"Up the back," Lilly suggested.

Katrina and Armelle

"Look, it's the old-fashioned kind with the balcony! Let's sit up there," Armelle suggested.

"Yeah," Katrina said, "Do you think we can get popcorn without them checking for tickets?" she whispered.


"We may be pushing it," Friday said.

"I'm hungry," Lilly admitted. "I wouldn't mind some."

"It's all that slaying we've been doing. Slaying makes slayers hungry."


"I could always make like a dath and go slip through some walls, and buy some and then slip back again."

Armelle and Katrina

"SOunds good to me," Armelle said.

"Besides, if we sit up here, we need to throw things at the couplds making out," Katrina said, nodding.


"I have never understoof why people make out in the movie theatre," Friday said. "What's the point of going to see a movie, if you don't see the movie?"

She stood, collected money, and changed her mind about her plan. She changed into a boy, and walked out as normal.

"Hi, I'm just going to the candy bar okay?" he said, waving to the ticket checker.

Hiding a smile, Friday went to the candy bar. She - he - bought a bunch of popcorn, chocolate and drinks (which the girls had put their orders in for at the last minute) and then, arms full, walked back towards the cinema. Seeing his arms were full, and the fact that he had just walked pass, the employee didn't worry about asking to see the ticket stub (although she didn't remember seeing him come through in the first place - but there were so many people tonight...).

Friday walked right back into the cinema, and sat down with her friends.

"Ta da," he said.

"Uhh, do we know you?" Lilly asked.

"Oh... silly me," and Friday turned herself back into a girl. "I changed my mind about the going through the walls thing and decided to be a bit more bold. Or at least a bit more male."

And she told them what she did.


"Groovy, let's watch the movie," Katrina said,taking some popcorn. As soon as the lights dimmed, she was absolutely not surprised to see the couples start to kiss. She grabbed the chocolate-covered peanuts and took aim.



Lilly stiffled a giggle at the boyfriend's indignation.

"Friday watch movie," Friday said.


They watched the movie, tossing food at people and pointing out the vast historical inaccuracies.

"These movies make me mad," Armelle said, 'Because they take a beautiful story, and in trying to fix it up, they ruin it," she said as the credits started to roll.


Friday shrugged.

"They were trying to look at it from the perspective of 'if the legend really happen, what would it have been based on'," Friday said. "But who cares? The weapons!"

Katrina and Armelle

"Keira Knightly was even better in this one than in Pirates," Katrina said, grinning. "With that bow & arrow, it was really cool."

"I loved the part on the ice with the guy with the hammer. How stupid to you have to be to stand on frozen water, while somebody else is trying to break it?!" Armelle exclaimed.


"Yeah but come on," Friday said. "A whole army against six people out in the open? Dude, that's extremely cool. Pun very much intended."

Armelle and Katrina

"I don't want to go back to school yet," Armelle said, "Let's find something else to do."

"Um, we could sneak around town and pull pranks on people," Katrina suggested.


"Yeah!" Lilly agreed happily. "Who shall we prank? What prank?"

Friday grinned broadly.

"Good question..."

Armelle and Katrina

Armelle thought, and thought, and thought some more. "You know how the local public high school has a bulldog as a mascot? Well, we should steal him."

"Yeah," Katrina agreed, "That's what the rival high schools always doo on tv and in movies."

"Well, we're not rivals yet, but how do you think rivalries start?" Armelle said, giggling.


"Yeah!" Lilly agreed enthusiastically.

"Ahh yes, the slayer school fronting as a sophisicated, private, all girls school verses the co-ed public school. I think we'll win," Friday grinned. "So... which way is it?"

Katrina and Armelle "I think it's about 4 blocks that way," Katrina pointed.

"We just have to be nice and stealthy. But oh how we'll rock if we do it," Armelle said. "But let's not be sloppy like on Dark Angel. We'll all have toi wear gloves or cover our hands so that we don't leave fingerprints."

"Ooh, yeah, and you know what we should do so that know it's us without knowing it's us?" Katrina said, giggling. She opened her knapsack and pulled out the skirt from her uniform. They we're only required to wear them at assemly, but she had thrown a change of clothes intpo her bag in case she tore something on patrol. Vampires could sometimes get grabby, and she didn't want to wander the streets half naked. She took the bottom of the skirt and tore off a small square of red and gold plaid.

"We can leave this in his cage. It's our school colours, but they won't know WHO did it."

"Absolutely brill," Armelle said, high-fiving the other slayer


"Fun, fun, fun," Lilly said gleefully. "Let's go!"

They started walking down the street to the rival school.

"I can fix that skirt for you if you want," Friday offered. "One thing my stepmother was particularily strict on: mending your own clothes. Of course, when you have atom manipulation and therefore do not need to use annoying things like sewing machines, it makes the whole thing much easier."

She connsidered for a moment.

"It also saves socks."

Katrina and Armelle

"That;s cool, " Katrina said. "We all have to cover our hands, like Armelle said. Let's just hope there's no alarm."

"Also brill," Armelle said. They aproached the public school and crouched down. "I see one security guard," she whispered, pointing, "But nothing else."


"Knock him out or try to avoid him?" Friday asked.

"Aww, lets just try to avoid him for now," Lilly said. "We only want to steal their dog."

She giggled.

Armella and Katrina

They snuck inside, avoiding the guard.

"where should we go?" Armelle asked.

"um, look, there's a campus map on the wall," Kat said, pointing.


The girls inpsected the map.

"That looks like the spot," Lilly pointed.

"Yep," Friday agreed. "Okay, let's go spy it out."

She slunk towards the part of the school where the mascot was kept.

Katrina and Armelle

The bulldog was used to students, but still didn't enjoy being woken up, and was just getting a good loud bark ready when Katrina pulled a snack bar out of her knapsack.

"Is there anything you don't carry around with you?" Armelle half whispered and half giggled. The dog instantly became passive as Katrina slipped the snack bar through the cage.


"So, how best to steal him?" Friday asked. "Is there a leash or something? Or shall we lure him away with food?"

She grinned maliciously.

"Uhh, well, unless Katrina has more... a leash I guess..." Lilly said. "If they have one..."

They looked around.


"There's her leash," Armelle said, "Let's get her out of here. Can you open that lock, Friday?"


"Cake," Friday replied.

She first reached in and clipped the leash to the collar. Then she touched the padlock, concentrated, tapped the appropriate atoms slightly and came to the conclusion that plan wasn't going to work. So she dusted it instead.

"C'mon out little doggy," she said.


The dog came along agreeably. Katrina left behind the scrap of plaid uniform, and shut the cage again.

"LEt's vamoose!" Katrina said, as they started to sneak back out again.


The girls slipped back out of the school.

"So," Lilly said carefully after they had left, "this might sound like a silly question... but where are we going to keep doggy-boy here?"

Armelle and Katrina

"Well, we could leave her in the stables," Armelle suggested.

"Either that, or try and sneak her into one of our rooms, and try not to get caught," Katrina said. "I have no clue what we should do."


"We have this great big ginormous school and we can't think of a good spot to hide her?" Friday asked. "Does that sticke anyone else as silly? Hey lets not bother to hide her. Let's just let her loose."

"Day! We can't just do that," Lilly said in surprise. "Oooh! Better idea! Let's hide her in their own school!"

Armelle and Katrina

"Better idea," Armelle said, snickering. "Let's leave her at the all-boy's Catholic school 4 blocks over."

"Genius," Katrina said. "Those schools hate each other, it's brilliant."


"Awesome," Friday grinned.

Thus the four sneaky slayers snuck over to the all boys Catholic school and searched for a suitable spot to leave the dog.

Ending written by Joy

They left the dog in the courtyard, her leash tied to a tree, with a dish of water and another scrap of uniform plaid. Then they skedaddled back to their own school to get ready for bed.
