6 September 2004

The Canadian Prototype

Written by Michelle

Tanya and Leroy

"If this works," the head technokinetic on the project was saying, "we'll be able to cut down production time to a week. One little week! Instead of a whole flipping month, or more."

"And I'll be able to have Advanced telepaths trained, in the full knowledge that they aren't going to miss anything," Tanya agreed. "I'm always worried that the Experts will miss something with the original design when they're conducting maintenance inspections."

"And won't it be fun to have you off our backs?" Vicky grinned.

"No one is looking forward to that more than I."

The team constructing the teleportation amplifiers had put together a new design. While they had been working on it for some time, they had been spurred on to finish by the recent tragety regarding the original Genovian amplifier constructed. This design was much simplier, cutting out much of what they had found to be redundant, and reworking some of the more unneccesarily complicated mechanisims.

This new amplifier was now in Toronto, Canada, and would be tested today.

A teleporter stepped up as a crate was put on the pad. He then sent to crate to the station.

"They have it!" shouted the person co-ordinating the effort over the phone with the station. "They have the crate."

There were cheers everywhere. They continued running the amplifier through tests - the crate sent to and from the other amplifers around the world, then they experimented with living subject.

"Well," Tanya said. "Allow me to be your first human subject - I need to return to the station anyway."

There were some low chuckles from around the room and Tanya stood on the pad. Not long thereafter she appeared in the teleportation room on the station.

"She's here," said the station co-ordinator into the phone.

"Good you're back," Leroy said, giving her Kit. "Your son has been looking forward to your return."

Tanya gave Leroy a look.

"How is it he's always my son when he needs his nappy changed?"
