The Ducks powers and muatations

And here is a list of the Duck in no particular order, their powers and how they have mutated.

Lester Averman
- Hyena
- Telepathy
- Radio Waves
Can listen to radio stations without worrying about using a radio. Cannot send or receive images. Has a strong jaw and a small tail. Will turn into a hyena if his jaw uses (is that the right word?) a certain amount of pressure. Changes back when his tail gets pulled.

Connie Moreau
- Weather
- Dreams
- Precognition
Her dreams effect the weather. I.e; has a nightmare, it storms. Periodically she has flashes of possible futures, uncontrolled and all at once, with no inking as to which one is the most likely. Cannot manipulate the weather outside her dreams. Cannot manipulate people’s dreams, although she may get vague impressions of other people’s dream while she’s asleep. These dreams also effect her Weather.

Guy Germaine
- Duck
- Empathy
- Telepathy
Can project a vague impression of what he’s feeling onto others. Can sense what others are feeling. Often fights for control over his body with a duck mind - when the duck mind is in control he turns into a duck, when the human mind is in control, he’s human.

Greg Goldberg
- Rubber
- Teleportation
- Poison
Can only teleport himself. Cannot actually turn into rubber, but ‘incoming missiles’ are more likely to bounce off as opposed to causing any damage. Actually requires a daily intake of poison as a part of his diet (not taking poison is virtually the same as any normal person taking poison). Cannot create poison (if he could, he wouldn’t have to make a point of taking some everyday!) but still can produce antidotes to poisons.

Julie Gaffney
- Cat
- Shallow Telepathy
- Intelligence
Night vision. Eyes glow. Eyes attracted to movement. Goes into Heat. Great reflexes. Improved hearing. Can only turn into small cats. Can only communicate with cats when she is a cat. Has trouble eating plant matter - loves eating meat, preferably raw. Can’t read people’s thoughts, but can send/receive thoughts messages, and monitor the use of Telepathy. Photographic memory but still has to put effort into actually learning stuff, even if she does do this easily.

Ken Wu
- Agility
- Flight
- Technology
Can only fly ten metres above the ground, (ground being whatever is immediately below him, whether it’s actually dirt or the top of a building). Can only manipulate complex technological things (i.e. hack into other computer systems, but can’t press the buttons on a CD player on the other side of the room).

Russ Tyler
- Strength
- Object Telepathy
- Invisibility
Can talk to objects, but cannot send thoughts or images to people, and cannot receive images, although he can receive thoughts. Can turn himself and objects invisible at will for no more than two hours and forty-eight minutes at a time.

Charlie Conway
- Healing
- Shape shifting
- Light
Can only heal himself. Can only turn into things smaller than his own mass. Regains (power) strength by being in light, the brighter the better. Can also store light energy this way. Cannot create lasers, or change colours, but he can filter colours.

Adam Banks
- Glass
- Attraction
- Bird
- Deep Telepathy
Glass makes him particularly easy to ‘break’, although he cannot actually turn into glass. Can create glass, but not ‘destroy’, and can only manipulate when he’s creating. Eyes are attracted to movement. When he is attracted to someone he has a tendency to start growing (and molting) feathers. Can turn into a bird at will, however, as a human his nose never quite changes right, he also has small talons for toes and his bones are hollow. As a bird he is heavier than he should be, and so, depending on the bird, he can have trouble flying. Cannot cause damage or manipulate with probes. Cannot get past even normal telepathic blocks.

Dwayne Robertson
- Agility
- Telekinesis
- Sonics
Can only manipulate medium to small things in basic operations. Can hear sub and supersonics, but can’t control when he emits them.

Luis Mendoza
- Speed
- Telepathy
- Enhance
Randomly send out ‘spikes’ of enhancement to everyone in the immediate vicinity’s powers. Cannot go as fast as the Speed power usually commands, but doesn’t have total control over how fast he goes either, so it’s just as well. Can’t receive thoughts or images.

Fulton Reed
- Strength
- Chance
- Attraction
He can draw on ‘Chance Strength’ for anything that requires more than his ‘normal strength’. However, the more he has to draw from this the less his chances are of accomplishing whatever it is that he wants to do. Chance has also affected his Attraction in a way so complicated that no one, not Fulton, not even me can figure it out, let alone explain it. Suffice to say some people will be attracted to him, some permanently, some depending on the circumstances.

Dean Portman
- Invulnerability
- Ice breath
- X-ray vision
Is vulnerable to fire (and anything else that melts ice ). X-ray vision goes on and off randomly. Cannot breathe pieces of ice, only ‘cold’ air when he chooses.

Power Defintions