The Trial Family

Household #1: Trial House

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Family Tree
Page 1
Sly Adult Fortune Criminal Mastermind (Criminal)

Sly purposely bought a block of land next door to his 'friend' Peter Prototype. He felt that it was important to keep an eye on his... investments. To this end, he planned on making use of a miraculous substance called "Elixier of Life".
Sly got himself in the criminal career track - just because it appealled to his sense of direction in life.

"Sly, honey, there's something I need to tell you about this baby I'm carrying..."
Sly developed a relationship with Ivory Number which resulted in a baby girl "Petal". Sly wondered if Ivory had been hitting the bar when she came up with that name!

Update #1

Sly gets to the top of the criminal career track - he is now a Criminal Mastermind. And why should he been anything else? Nothing more suitable for him!
University installed