The Sample Family

Household #1: The Broken Home

Family Main
Family Tree
Page 1
Saliva Adult Knowledge Projectionist (Slacker)
Urine Teen Romance None
DNA Child Grow up N/A

Blood and Saliva moved into Experihood. Oh, and their daughter Urine came with them too.
Blood took a job in law enforcement, whilst Saliva took a job in the slacker career.

A child prodigy, Urine feels betrayed and ignored by her parents
Saliva develops a relationship with a friend from work - Brent Experiment.
Suffice to say, Blood isn't too happy when he walks on them kissing.
Still upset, Blood follows Saliva when she goes to visit Brent on day - he's at work, but his wife, Julie, is home. Saliva is sent on her way, but Blood takes the opportunity to develop his own... friendship.
Saliva giving birth
Despite these goings on, Saliva gives birth to Blood's child, a baby girl whom they name DNA.
Urine becomes a teen

Update #1

Urine, who liked to mull things over while painting, fumed about the incompetancies of her parents. Like their failure to give her a decents education. And why was it that she was the one looking after DNA all the time? Hmm?
After fighting for days, their marriage at risk, Saliva and Blood make up.
Urine promises DNA revenge
Urine even has to be the one to help DNA with her transistion to toddler.
The new look
Later, Urine decides to dye her hair black to match her teen clothes.
The Sample home invests in a pool.
University installed
DNA becomes a child.
Then one night, Blood and Urine both go swimming in the pool.
The Grim Reaper makes an appearence.
Dun dun dunnnnnn
Urine? What did you do?
And to make matters worse... Urine starts using the SimVac on Saliva. After draining some skills from her, she causes Saliva to go into aspiartional failure.
Allowing Saliva some peace for now (why, how kind of you), Urine applies for scholarships. Happily she gets one for her grades, creativity and dancing.