Character Profiles

Characters are sorted by the name they're known as. In some case this means they're listed under a "AKA" rather than "Name". If "AKA", the sorted name is in bold (although, this proceedure is only relatively new, and some profiles may have been missed).
I.e. Rogue is under Rogue, not Marie, Logan is under Logan, not Wolverine
So, if a char has a couple of names, if you can't find it under one, try under another.

Public chars are sorted by Location, and then in alphabetical order.

Power News
Tegan's characters During our 5th Year Anniversary, Tegan's original characters are being unlocked and open for claiming primarily for the purpose of eliminating restrictions on characters that heavily associated with her characters.

There are two conditions:

#1, Characters claimed should be ones your characters previously associated with

#2, An updated profile should be submitted, including a brief statement on where they've been the past year or so (the last post by Tegz was Sept 04 HR time). Doesn't need to be anything dramatic, like "on a pilgramage", it could be "teaching at the slayer school" or "still living next door to the Braddocks" or something.

If you wish to unlock a character, but do not want the responsibility of taking them on, you can make them public. A special page had been started for these characters.

Daths and Sems When the Adige arrived in HRworld ;) it was mentioned Dath and Sem bodies are adaptive.

It was briefly mentioned that some people were theorising that one day Daths and Sems would have two mutual powers - the second being shape shifting. The theory was also partially dismissed saying if such a thing would happen one day, wouldn't happen for a few generations.

I am now going to put this into play. At this point in time, all of us may create 1 NEWBORN Dath or Sem with Atom Manipulation, Shape Shifting and a speciality. Preferably, at least one of the parents should either:

#1 be a shape shifter
#2 live on the station
#3 regularly visit the station
#4 have an inate/accellerated adaptational ability (i.e, when Zac goes to the station, he changes shape quickly).

In a few RP years, the limit will be increased, and eventually abolished, but ONLY for children born from here on in (Dec 2004).

Slayers and Watchers Everyone may mnake 1 watcher/slayer combo.

Also, everyone is allowed to create 1 mutant/Slayer apiece, and I [Joy] will make 2 mutant slayers & 1 watcher slayer to be public profiles.